Courses to transform your life
Launch your Entrepreneurship in 30 days
Have you thought about starting a project and don't know where to start?
This course is for people who have never started, for those who are entrepreneurs, but want to make their ventures grow more, for those who dream of leaving their jobs and making a living from their projects.
Master your Personal Finances in 7 days
If you are in control of your expenses and income, you will have control of your life. In this course you will learn to keep track of your income and personal expenses. We will teach you to create a budget and generate graphics that allow you to visualize your numbers in a practical way.
How to Build Your Personal Brand
Everything you need to transform your personal project into a Brand, ready to go on the market.
In this course of 4 modules and 12 classes you will learn the importance of having a Brand, how to build your own Brand and how to make your Brand have an impact on people's lives.
Create a Digital Project in 5 Steps
Do you know what a digital project is? A digital project can be seen in several ways, it is more in this course I explain 5 different ways which are: -Affiliate Market (Blog or web page) -Sponsors (Brand) -Digital Services (Consultancies) -Digital Products ( Ecommerce) -Dropshipping (Import products)