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Image by Alexandre Pellaes

Gabriel Solano

“We propel humanity towards horizons of infinite greatness.” The Ideas Consulting

"Excellent! Gabriel Solano and his team of mentors are extremely responsible, professional and organized. I would hire them constantly, as I can always have peace of mind that the results will be delivered on time and with high quality.”
-Andres Piñeiro Coen


Gabriel Solano

Gabriel is a speaker and consultant with extensive experience in sales, management, and marketing. He has a proven track record of generating business growth through effective marketing strategies, exceptional customer relationships, and innovative solutions. He excels at leading teams, optimizing processes, and delivering impactful presentations.

As the founder of Grupo Ideas, an architecture studio established in 2016, Gabriel gained experience in business management, client relations, and team leadership. In 2020, he co-founded the entrepreneurial community De Pasión a Proyecto, which promotes collaboration and innovation. In 2023, he launched MMS Construction Corp, and in 2024, he created the Café & Diseño podcast, demonstrating his skills in design and project management.

Gabriel also works as a business consultant, leveraging his extensive experience to offer strategic advice and customized solutions to each client’s needs. His consulting work focuses on improving business operations, driving growth, and implementing effective strategies. Additionally, as a speaker, he has shared his knowledge and experiences at universities and NGOs, inspiring and educating diverse audiences.

Gabriel is a prolific entrepreneur who has created more than 14 projects, standing out in various areas and demonstrating his ability to identify opportunities and turn them into successful businesses.

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Conferencista Gabriel Solano Lazaro

Success in life always depends on you, on the decisions you make to get where you want to go. It has to be constant and transform challenges into opportunities, and if you continue like this for a certain time you will get to where you want to go.

“Everything Starts From Within.”


Excellent, Gabriel Solano and his team are professional, committed and lovers of their work. I loved it because they took me seriously despite it being a small project.


Always with a good disposition on the part of my leaders, the Architect Gabriel Solano and his Partner, the Engineer Jaqueline Molina, who have guided me during the process of my University internship.


I thank Architect Gabriel Solano for giving me the opportunity to carry out my professional internship at Ideas Consulting and all his teachings.

Comments (10)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
5.0 | 2 Ratings

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Sep 12, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Gracias a su presentación de manejo financiero y a sus sesiones de coaching para emprendedores, he logrado aprender todo lo que me hacía falta para tener una economía sostenible y un emprendimiento exitoso, su pasión y dedicación por impulsar a cumplir metas es impresionante.

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¡Muchas gracias Joshiany, para mí fue un placer servirte! Mis mejores éxitos en todos tus proyectos, acá siempre tendrás las puertas abiertas.

Oct 14, 2024

Tengo unos planos de casa de campo cuales serian los requisitos para poder venderlos

Sep 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

"Cuando te encuentres con un café amargo, recuerda que el dulzor proviene de las bolsitas de azúcar que le añades. Esas pequeñas dosis de dulzura te ayudarán a sobrellevarlo hasta que lleguen tazas menos amargas. Nunca olvides las lecciones que traen las tazas amargas." Vale

Sep 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

“Recuerda porque estás haciendo lo que estás haciendo. Recuerda que en cualquier momento puedes perder el norte, y es necesario regresar.” Vale


Jul 28, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

"Su charla estuvo brutal, felicidades… manejaste al público bien" 

Anderson Ferreira 

Jul 28, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

"Excelente! presentación. muy clara y objetiva. Siempre he dicho que el secreto de aprender estos programas es practicarlos o como se dice "birrearlos" y poner en practica el conocimiento." 


Javier Coronado 

Jul 28, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

“Personas como tú van a ser grandes” Calito Fernandez

Jul 28, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Ruth Irisbell CM

Hola, Gabriel

Gracias por crear el Charming team⚡💛 esa energía que tienes y transmites a los demás, gracias por ser como eres te voy a extrañar que pocoton, pero espero que tus proyectos crezcan con excelencia. Te deseo lo mejor y muchas buenas energías para todo lo que emprendas 

Nos vemos pronto 💛⚡

Jul 28, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

"Tú eres muy organizado, vas a ser un buen consultor"

Andrés Piñeiro Coen

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